Saturday, November 23, 2019

Is War Nescessary essays

Is War Nescessary essays War, to even think about that makes one shudder with utter fear and disgust. War is a terrible evil under any circumstance. Thinking back to some of the recent wars, such as World War 2, Vietnam, and Yugoslavie and one sits back and envsisons the horrible acts that war causes. One can see the scenes of a battlefield, a field of carnage, after the fight is over, the sights and sounds that meet our eyes in every direction, the horrible mutilations inflicted by landmines or mortar shells, the glazed eyes of the dead, the torn and bleeding, mutilated fragments of human body parts that are strewn about, the piteous wail of the wounded; and when we turn away, shuddering, to shut out this scene from the mind, we may be tempted to ask how humanity can commit such a heinous and evil action at all. War unfortunaltey is one of the humankinds way of dealing with conflicts. The use of force, agression and death to threaten other nations, or ones own nation is the only way humans have ever been able to deal with problems in our society. We have not found any other alternatives to deal with these types of situations. Sometimes war has defiantley been nescesarry. One of those reasons would be to come to the defense of the innocent such as the Jewish Population in World War 2, who were slaughtered in the millions by hitler. War does have some positives. For example a warring nation that is winning will usually bring about an economic upturn if the economy is failing (like coming out of the Great Depression when WWII started) It is when inventors and inventions make great strides in the technologial and scientific fields are made (see the atom bomb, the jet engine, radar, even the computer) So as you can see War takes a huge toll on human tradgedy, but society as a whole usually benefits from wars in the long run. My personal belief is that War is not nescessary. Who knows how many great inventions we have lost, because that person was drafted t...

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